2010년 9월 10일 금요일

the Hemingway moved back to Idaho in convalescence

1958, the Hemingway moved back to Idaho in convalescence, and high blood pressure, diabetes and other chronic illness, grinding, p90x dvd set in July 1961 with his beloved double-barreled shotgun took his own life. Although suicide can be seen as a negative self-destruction, but if consistent p90x workout with the praise of Hemingway never admit defeat, defiance of death The negative outlook on the world and his concept of simplicity, fresh Xilian style, clean generation of the traditional style, in Europe and the United States had a tremendous impact literature. American literary critic Willard. Thorpe Willard Thorp in his in. on Hemingway gave the highest P90X evaluation. He said: Ernest. Hemingway's novels, short stories, whether full-length, the performance is basically the art style in a seemingly simple strokes rough flow under extremely deep feelings, like stemming the flow of volcanic lava slowly, the surface is not It will carry out the temperature, but it is an extent to incandescent heat. Hemingway's creative creed is: personal experience, from his knowledge from his mind, from his heart, from all the things on him. believe in To this the purpose of rendering the kind of person he dug Qi rhetorical, deleting generally considered essential to explain and talk and all redundant metaphor, cliche break lifeless paper, the pen back to simple Xilian The true article. Royal Swedish Academy Nobel prize committee in their 1954 literature prize awarded to Hemingway is the main basis: infected with the art style is almost all the American writers after World War II, in the name of writers such as James. Jones, Nelson. Algrain, Norman. Mailer, who works everywhere have shown this style a profound impact.
Hemingway works are characterized with the same time, another runs through most of his works were the kind of perseverance, never admit defeat After World War I his heart beat up and down the stigma of pessimism. Although many of Hemingway in his later works have repeatedly stressed that aspects of one kind of inconsistent and uniform characteristics, and he will be the character and his writing style blend. on Hemingway's writing skills, the famous British literary critic Hz. Europe. Bates HEBates the evaluation is: can use the catch phrase-based language performance in the words of characters in the novel action. his tone casual nature, without affectation of the Department, nor intentionally rendering and general, but it can be sharp portrait of the inner world of characters and fully embodies the naturalistic line drawing techniques. Hemingway's writing skills to write characters in the dialogue was particularly exquisite. In his works, and dialogue simple, concise, but one is one, has a strong vitality and a certain depth, can the figure detail, subtle thoughts and feelings came after another. Sometimes, though only one word, it contains the implied meanings of The characters because he is accustomed to rhetoric most boxers, bullfighters, hunters, thugs, especially the poor in spirit the bottom figure. These types of characters are often just by instinct to act, that is, or occasionally to speak their mind, language is also very simple. Ernest Hemingway is that according to their tone, faithfully write their dialogue, so that their mental outlook will be shown live in his pen. that writing skills, from the late twenties they swept the European and American literature. but to follow the example of the writers are numerous, but in the skills and effect, to reach his realm is rarely so superb. The language of respect, he has the kind of simple Refining, fresh and smooth features, everybody is easy to see even more, here presented on the need for more. a house and look down, do some things on Hemingway's character has grown the necessary impact.

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